If you're like many people, you've likely noticed some sagging or loose skin around your neck as you age. While surgery was once the only option to address this issue, today, there are advanced nonsurgical methods to tighten and firm neck skin. One of the most effective techniques is a body contouring procedure using Accent Prime technology. Dr. Ana M. Sierra de Aragon at Universal Healing and Wellness utilizes this innovative body sculpting technique to help clients in Scottsdale and Gilbert, AZ, achieve a firmer, younger-looking neck.

What is a nonsurgical body contouring treatment?

Nonsurgical body contouring with Accent Prime is a cutting-edge solution for those seeking to tighten loose neck skin without resorting to surgical procedures. Rather than using one approach to address loose skin, Accent Prime employs a two-step process that is both comprehensive and effective. Here’s how it works:

  • Ultrasound technology: The first step involves using ultrasound waves to break down and liquefy fat cells in the targeted areas, making them easier to remove.
  • Radiofrequency waves: Following the ultrasound, radiofrequency waves heat the underlying layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, which tightens the skin and gives it a more youthful appearance.

Together, these technologies offer an effect that not only removes stubborn fat but also tightens the skin, making it a holistic body contouring procedure.

Can you actually get rid of loose neck skin without surgery?

You can! Nonsurgical body contouring with Accent Prime can effectively tighten your loose neck skin, providing results that are both visible and subtle. While not as dramatic as surgical intervention, these nonsurgical body contouring treatments offer a virtually risk-free and efficient way to improve the elasticity and firmness of your skin.

How does it work to tighten loose neck skin?

When it comes to tightening the skin on your neck, Accent Prime is quite effective. The procedure heats the underlying layers of skin, stimulating the production of new collagen. This helps to naturally lift and tighten the skin, reducing sagging and giving clients a more youthful appearance. The benefits of using Accent Prime for body contouring are numerous:

  • Noninvasive: No cuts, no needles, and minimal to no downtime.
  • Fast and effective: Visible results can often be seen after just a single session.
  • Versatile: Besides the neck, it can be used on various other body parts like the abdomen, thighs, and arms,
  • Natural-looking results: By stimulating your body’s own collagen production, results are both natural and long-lasting.

When will I see the results of my body contouring procedure?

The timeline for visible results from a nonsurgical body contouring treatment can be remarkably quick compared to other treatments. Many patients report noticeable skin tightening and a more contoured appearance soon after their first session. While individual experiences can vary, the dual-action of ultrasound for fat removal and radiofrequency for skin tightening often delivers faster and more noticeable outcomes. Although some people may require multiple sessions to achieve their desired results, the good news is that Accent Prime involves minimal to no downtime, letting you resume your daily activities almost immediately.

Firm up loose neck skin without surgery

If you’re tired of loose or sagging neck skin, don’t wait any longer to take action. Opt for a body contouring procedure like Accent Prime to achieve a firmer, more youthful look without undergoing surgery. Contact Dr. Ana M. Sierra de Aragon at Universal Healing and Wellness in Scottsdale and Gilbert, AZ, today to schedule a consultation and discover how you can benefit from this innovative nonsurgical body contouring treatment.
